Monday, August 24, 2009

The Pros and Cons of a Honeymoon Registry

One of the hot topics on all wedding websites is where to register. And for us, that one was tough! John and I are not exactly spring chickens. We both own our own homes, we've spend considerable time and money furnishing them, and somehow our lives have come together in a comfortable, adult kind of way. We like it. We don't need towels. We don't even want more towels.

So when we got engaged, we were immediately drawn to the idea of a honeymoon registry. A honeymoon registry is a place where, just like a traditional registry, guests can buy you a gift-- only instead of towels, you receive a portion of your honeymoon (a night in your hotel, a portion of your airfare, or an activity for two)! For two people who don't need anything, we were pretty thrilled with the idea! So we set up our registry at, which was one of the only websites we found that did not charge a "commission" on our gifts. The website is user friendly, and allows you to customize your requests to your honeymoon. And if you upgrade for about $20, you get a space that is ad-free!

Since setting up our registry, I've heard a few comments from people saying they feel honeymoon registries are "in poor taste" or that "people should pay for their own honeymoons." I was totally taken aback by these comments though. Of course we can pay for our own honeymoon. We would never have booked it otherwise. Yikes!

Frankly, neither of us really cares if people buy us anything. It will be wonderful enough to have family and friends around us to celebrate our special day with us. But alas, registries are one of those "things people expect." So to satisfy any concerned citizens, we also set up a registry at Bed, Bath & Beyond. And, happily, there are no towels on it! Rather, we registered for a nice set of sheets, some kitchen gadgets and appliances we've managed not yet to acquire, and shamwow (holds twelve times its weight in water, or so I hear)! If people want to buy us gifts off either registry, we'll be honored and thrilled. And if not, we'll still be honored and thrilled that they came to the wedding. Hopefully now the distasteful comments will come to an end!

Has anyone else heard negative feedback on their registry ideas?
free image courtesy of

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