Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Vintage Linen Love

As part of my home improvement focus these days, along with my always-important focus on doing projects in a budget-friendly way, I've been trying to look at the things I own with fresh eyes and think creatively about repurposing.  And as a collector of vintage linens (but only really cute ones on the cheap, or heirlooms from my family) they are an easy thing I always like to repurpose.  So last weekend, I decided to tackle two of my throw pillows.  Originally, I had purchased the throws from Pier 1 but they were looking a bit ragged and I wasn't sure they had long-term potential.  So I took the covers off, stowed them with old fabric, and decided to recycle the pillow forms.

For new covers, I went through my old fabrics and my linen closet.  I was so excited to rediscover two old cloth napkins from my grandmother's estate- they are made with gorgeous, quality linen and have pretty cutouts and embroidery.  I had a pair, but I definitely wouldn't ever use them for dinner because I only use cloth napkins for company and two isn't enough for a dinner party.  Moreover, I would hate to stain such pretty pieces with pedestrian dinner food.  And with that inspiration was born!

Next, I went through my fabrics, and located some old green linen curtains which I had custom-made myself for an oddly shaped window when I lived in NYC- and no longer use.  I decided they would be perfect paired with the linen napkins.  Using the old pillow cases as my guide, I made a pattern, cut the fabrics and then quickly stitched the seams on my sewing machine.  I think they work great with our summer quilt (a sale splurge from Anthropologie, my reward to self when I got a bonus this year).

Ok so back to weddings... vintage linens are so versatile- they really can be used all over the place for weddings.  Here, I used vintage napkins but vintage hankies are also great to work with.  Of course everyone has seen those gorgeous examples of hankies-turned-invites like these:

via Design Sponge

Or you could wrap a bouquet with vintage linen- I did so with my grandmother's hankerchief but fabric from an old wedding gown, or anything else meaningful would be a nice touch!

via Nana Lulu's Linen Closet

And of course one of my personal favorites, the hankie-turned-ring pillow!  I just love this one from AK Collections on Etsy!

via AK Collections

Or even vintage fabric bunting hung for a festive touch.

via Olive Someday on Etsy

Anyone else have any good ideas for incorporating vintage linens into wedding plans?

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