Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Once Upon A Time: Invitations!

Tami Shower invites 019 I am so excited today to FINALLY be able to share with you a project I'm particularly proud of... baby shower invitations for my sister in law!  I made (designed, printed, assembled) these myself, 100% from scratch.  And I'm so excited about how they turned out!  Sure, they were work, but I love projects and crafts-- and these were a labor of LOVE!

The first thing I love about them is their theme.  Sister in law T is a teacher, and so a book reference was a no-brainer.  When searching for invites online, I was instantly drawn to the "Once upon a time" themed invites, but the company I liked best did not make enclosures or RSVP cards-- and since we needed both for this set, I did some thinking. I realized, I could totally do this myself!  And so I ordered the paper and got to work!

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The invitation consists of three parts printed on light pink cardstock- the main invite, the RSVP postcard, and then an enclosure with registry information, asking folks to bring a baby book in lieu of a card (cute, right?!)  The components are wrapped in a belly band of bright pink, and the envelopes are lined with the same shade.  And then, around the belly band, I wrapped and tied some yarn.  It's a little nod to my mother in law who knits, as well as baby appropriate- and on top of all that, it's a great little textural addition that peeks out of the envelope when you open it.  LOVE!

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Since we saved some money making these, I splurged on custom Zazzle stamps for the postcard and envelopes... I think they add just the right finishing touch, and of course I had some coupons and Ebates to help with the cost!

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One of the other things I love about this concept is that it would also work well for a girly-girl bridal shower.  And the components themselves are simply 5 x7 paper/envelopes, traditionally sized postcard RSVP's, and then smaller enclosures- all of which are easy to find at Paper Source or the craft store.  Seriously, anyone could make something like this!

Tami Shower invites 024Have I convinced you?  Would you try making your own invitations for an event??

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