Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Spam Stinks (sorry Anna but it does)

UPDATE:  It has come to my attention that legit commenters are not able to comment, so I've revised the policy- now all comments have to be pre-approved.  So going forward, if you don't see your comment immediately, know I'll publish it soon!  Also, if you have any tips/tricks for other ways to manage blog/spam issues, please let me know!


spamHi guys, just a quick heads up to let you know that I unfortunately have to institute a new commenting policy on this blog due to all the spam comments.  I know you all really wanted to see Britany Spears nude, buy lots of viagra, gamble on the internet and attend online colleges (which I support, but not via spam), but you won't be able to do it through me.  

So going forward, you'll have to be a logged-in user to comment.  I've also blacklisted certain words (like certain drug names and sexual terms) which I hope will help.  Hopefully this isn't too much of a pain, but with any luck it will also reduce all the incoming garbage that is cluttering up my inbox :)



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