Thursday, August 5, 2010

Not Your Mother's Stencils

We're all familiar with the stenciling fads that people either love or hate- we all know someone who filled their house with them, and today they incite love or hatred (generally because they are deemed "too country" or because the artist wasn't very talented) among most people.   But today there are a new kind of wall decals which seem to have replaced stencils as the new "it" wall treatment.   The are peel-and-stick decorations that can be easily removed.  And I have to say that when used sparingly with an editing eye,I think they can be really cute!  Apparently I'm not alone in this feeling, and that is probably why they're also becoming a hit in the wedding world!

Best of all this trend is AFFORDABLE.  Custom designs on etsy or from internet vendors run anywhere from $25-100 which isn't bad when you consider I know people who spent $1000 per centerpiece (not me though!) and I have seen them in discount stores for less.  In fact, I recently purchased a little quote for my foyer for 75% off, and it was only $4.50.   I bet those of you out their with those fancy little cutting machines like the CriCut could even figure out how to make your own.  Definitely worth keeping in mind for budget ceremony decor!

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