While the ladies and I were getting all gussied up, the men were... relaxing. Eating sandwiches and drinking beer, and eventually, putting on their tuxes. J. in particular looked pretty dapper, so Jessica pulled him aside to capture his look.
Of course, little M. was unimpressed by all the commotion. He was busy pretending to be a ninja and avoiding hugs from all the bridesmaids. It's tough being so cute.
But the rest of the men were in excellent spirits. I love how great the tuxedos looked with the handmade bout's!
It probably didn't hurt that I sent some cigars over either...
Eventually the guys rallied for some official portraits, and first came a key shot: J. with his best man and brother, D.
Followed by some cute, cheesy, and traditional hand shake shots. The top two, and bottom right shots are of J. with my brothers. I really like how amused they look (you know they are thinking "joke's on you buddy!") But hey, they looked great! And PS, the bottom left photo is J. with our brother in law, S!
With all this serious portraiture going on, the men did not let it get to them... J. had plenty of folks around to make sure he didn't take himself too seriously enjoyed himself.
Including J.'s dad of course! (Where was my dad, you ask? Taking the vintage Packard to church, so we'd have it in case of snow... more on that later).
With that, a few more photos of the dudes in action... what a handsome group!
And then they were whisked back to their hotel rooms for a while, so we ladies could come do pictures too!
And how did we get here? Checking In; Practice Makes Perfect: The Rehearsal!; The Rehearsal Dinner!; The Rehearsal Dinner Slide Show; Girls Gone Wild!; Got Mah Hairs Did
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